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Automātiskais kafijas automāts Melitta Barista T Smart F840-100

Preces kods: 1273032

1.109,00 € / gab.
1.199,00 / gab.

Cenas fiziskajos veikalos var atšķirties


APSOLAM: Mēs nosūtīsim/sagatavosim izņemšanai atzīmētās preces laicīgi!
Pirkuma apdrošināšana

Ierīču apdrošināšana pret triecieniem, ūdens un uguns bojājumiem vai zādzību

Pagarinātā garantija

Bezmaksas iekārtas remonts līdz +5 gadiem

Pagarinātā garantija (ar nomaiņu)

Bezmaksas iekārtas nomaiņa uz jauno iekārtu līdz +3 gadiem


Saņem pasūtījumu pakomātā

Saņem pakomātā par 0,00 €. Piegādāsim pirmdien, 16. decembrī.

Pasūtījumu saņemšu klientu centrā

Izņemt bezmaksas. Sagatavosim piektdien, 13. decembrī


Piegāde uz mājām ir bezmaksas*. Piegādāsim pirmdien, 16. decembrī

Piegādes cena uz mājām 5,99 €*. Piegāde plānojas pirmdien, 16. decembrī.

* Piegādes cena tiek aprēķināta, ieskaitot pakalpojumu maksu un produkta svaru: 10.00 kg

Piegādes pakalpojums nākamajā dienā nav pieejams


Izstrādājuma īpašības

Kopējie parametri

Produkta veids Automātiskie kafijas automāti
Zīmols Melitta
Kolekcija Barista
Modelis T Smart
Kafijas automāta veids Automātisks
Piena sistēmas tips Automātisks piena putu veidotājs
Jo lielāka jauda, jo efektīvāk ierīce darbosies.
1450 W
Maksimālais darba spiediens
Tiek norādīts bāros (bar). Optimālais spiediens kafijas pagatavošanai ir 9 bāri. Jo vairāk bāru, jo lielāks spiediens, ar kuru kafija tiek izvadīta no automāta.
15 Bar
Korpusa materiāls Nerūsējošais tērauds, Plastmasa
Izcelsmes valsts Vācija
Ūdens filtrs
Kafijas automātiem ir divu veidu filtri - pastāvīgie un / vai vienreizējie.
Krāsa Melna, Sudraba
Ekrāna tips TFT

Kafijas veidi un pagatavošana

Kafijas veids
Kafijas veidi ir sekojoši: maltā kafija, kafijas pupiņas, kapsulas un tabletes (sauktas arī par spilventiņiem). Maltās kafijas grupā ietilpst dažādas pakāpes grauzdējumi, malumi un maisījumi. Kafijas pupiņas kafijas automātā var lietot, ja tajā iebūvētas dzirnaviņas. Kafijas kapsulu lietošana garantē ērtību un vienmēr pareizu devu. Kapsulā ar lielu spiedienu tiek ievadīts karsts ūdens un tas sasniedz katru maisījuma graudiņu. Kafijas spilventiņi ir puscaurspīdīgā papīra filtrā iepakotas grauzdētas, maltas, dozētas un presētas kafijas porcijas, kas īpaši izstrādātas, lai dzēriena gatavošanas procesā saglabātu tik svarīgo kafijas aromātu un garšu.
Kafijas pupiņas, Malta kafija
Kafijas pagatavošanas metodes
Šis parametrs norāda, vai kafijas automāts piedāvā 3 galvenos kafijas veidus. Espresso - viena deva (no 7 līdz 9 gramiem) kafijas uz 30 ml ūdens un ekstrakcijas ilgumu 25 sek. Kapučīno - espresso ar saputotām piena putām virsū, parasti 1 daļa espresso un 2 daļas piena putas. Latte - espresso ar saputotu tvaiku, pienu un plānu kārtu saputotām piena putām virsū.
Caffè Crema, Dubultā kafija, Espresso, Espresso Macchiato, Flat white, Kapučino, Latte Macchiato, Lungo, Piena porcija, Ristretto
Kafijas stipruma regulēšana
Iespēja regulēt kafijas stipruma pakāpi.
Iestatāmi un individuāli pielāgojami kafijas stipruma līmeņi 5
Kafijas dzērienu skaits 18

Funkcijas un iespējas

Vienlaicīgi sagatavo vairākas devas
Iespēja pagatavot divas kafijas tasītes vienlaikus.
Krūzes uzsildīšana
Atsevišķi kafijas automātu modeļi aprīkoti ar funkciju, kas ļauj uzsildīt arī tasīti.
Tvaika uzgalis
Trubiņa, kas padod karsto ūdeni un ar kuras palīdzību var sakult pienu putās.
Saglabā kafijas veidus
Iespēja saglabāt individuālas kafijas receptes Jūsu kafijas pagatavošanai.
Programmējams kafijas daudzums
Ar manometru
Parāda kafijas spiedienu automātā, optimāls kafijas spiediens ir 9 bāri.
Aukstu dzērienu pagatavošana
Porcijas izvēle melnai kafijai 2
Porcijas izvēle kafijai ar pienu 2
Programmējams porcijas lielums
Karstā ūdens sagatavošana
Karstā piena pagatavošana
Kontrolēts, izmantojot lietojumprogrammu
Programmējams piena / piena putu daudzums
Vadības tips Skārienjūtīga

Kafijas dzirnaviņas

Kafijas dzirnaviņas
Iespēja samalt kafiju automātā bez nepieciešamības izmantot atsevišķas dzinaviņas.
Regulējama kafijas smalcināšana
Regulē kafijas maluma pakāpi.
Kafijas dzirnaviņu materiāls Tērauds
Kafijas pupiņu ietilpība 270 g
Kafijas padeves krāna augstums 1 - 140 mm
Aromāta saglabāšanas vāks


Ūdens tvertne 1.8 l
Piena trauks
Rezervuārs kurā ielejot pienu tas tiek tālāk saputots un pievienots kafijai.


Automātiska mazgāšana
Kafijas automāts veic patstāvīgu sistēmas skalošanu.
Automātiskā atkaļķošanās
Funkcija patstāvīgi attīra automātu no kaļķakmens.
Automātiska piena sistēmas tīrīšana
Integrētas skalošanas, tīrīšanas un kaļķakmens noņemšanas programmas

Izmēri un svars

Dziļums 46.7 cm
Platums 25.9 cm
Augstums 37.2 cm
Svars 10.6 kg


Garantija juridiskām personām 12 mēn
Garantija 24 mēn

Video materiāls

Make delicious coffee using your smartphone!

The Barista T Smart® is a smart bean to cup coffee machine that can prepare 18 coffee specialities using your smartphone. With the Melitta® Connect app you are able to steer the preparation of coffee and manage many other features really simply with your smartphone. Exclusive to Melitta.

To prepare even more coffee specialities, the Barista T Smart® has a manual bean select and two types of coffee beans so you can create more varieties of coffee using own recipes.

If you like a bit of a kick to your coffee, the IntenseAroma feature can be enabled to produce an especially intensive flavour without having to change the amount of water of coffee you use.

Melitta® Connect
With the Melitta® Connect App many of the features on your fully automatic coffee machine can be managed with your smart phone. For example, appliance settings can be managed conveniently and personal My Coffee Profiles can be programmed and saved. Practical tutorials assist you with cleaning and maintaining the appliance. A special highlight with this app is that you can create your very own coffee specialities. The order in which the ingredients are poured into the cup, the amount of coffee, frothed milk and hot water and further coffee settings can be managed individually.

PRO AQUA Filter technology
If you use a Melitta® Pro Aqua Water filter then the Barista T Smart® only needs to be descaled once a year. The filtered water not only improves the quality and the flavour of your coffee, but also prevents limescale deposits building up in the water system. (This is based on brewing six 120 ml cups of coffee a day and changing the filter six times in accordance with the appliance specifications.)

Quiet as a whisper grinder
You want to enjoy making your coffee in peace? This is no problem with the quiet as a whisper grinder, it is not only quiet but also especially quick.

One Touch
The Barista T Smart® impresses because it is so easy to use. The preset coffee varieties espresso, café crème, cappuccino and latte macchiato can be selected with just one touch. You can also select warm milk, frothed milk or hot water really simply and conveniently with One Touch.

18 coffee specialities
Thanks to the product buttons you can make the 4 classics espresso, café crème, cappuccino and latte macchiato at the touch of a button. The recipe book feature allows you to create 14 further coffee specialities such as flat white, ristretto, americano or espresso doppio.

Manual Bean Select
Different coffee beans are required to prepare the large number of coffee specialities and guarantee the best possible taste experience. This is why the LatteSelect features the two-chamber bean container with the manual bean select function that allows you to choose, for example, either fine mild coffee beans or aromatic and strong espresso beans. The Aromasafe® lid and the dark tinting of the container retain the aroma of the coffee beans. There is also a separate ground coffee chute for ground coffee.

My Coffee Memory
You don‘t want to set your personal coffee preferences each time you make a coffee? No problem! With the “My Coffee Memory“ feature you can programme your favourite coffee specialities completely individually. The Melitta® Barista T Smart® saves the preference settings for up to 4 people.

The IntenseAroma feature can be selected instead of the standard brewing process. The result is an especially intensive tasting coffee - without having to change the amount of coffee or water you use. This feature can be selected for all coffee specialities.

Original Preparation Process
For coffee specialities prepared with the correct order of ingredients, in accordance with the original Italien recipes: So for latte macchiato the espresso ist added only after the frothed milk and milk. For cappuccino, the espresso is poured before the frothed milk.

Best Aroma System
The Aromasafe® seal on the bean container means that the diverse flavours and aromas of your coffee beans are even better protected. The Bean to Cup feature means that only the amount of coffee beans you need are freshly ground and then the ground coffee is immediately brewed. The unique pre-brewing and extraction process (A.E.S.) ensures that the coffee flavour develops perfectly.

Double Cup Mode
With Double Cup Mode you can make two cups of numerous coffee specialities with or without milk at the same time.

TFT colour display
The high resolution TFT colour display allows for intuitive operation for maximum ease of use. The self-explanatory step-by-step instructions leaf you through the menu.

Touch & Slide
The innovative Touch & Slide feature allows you to simply and conveniently set and use your machine by gently touching the sensor panels.

All-in-One outlet
With separate nozzles for coffee, milk and hot water to prepare your favourite drink without having to move your cup. The outlet is height adjustable up to 140 mm so that there is even space for tall latte macchiato glasses.

Removable brewing unit
It would be nice if it was simple wouldn't it? With Melitta® it is… The whole brewing unit can be removed and is easy to clean. This makes the inside of the machine accessible too, so it can also be cleaned easily.

Plug-in milk system
Removable milk system with with an external, dishwasher-safe milk container which fits in every fridge.

Easy Steam Cleaning
As well as the integrated programme to thoroughly clean the milk system, Easy Steam Cleaning means you can quickly and hygienically clean in between times: parts in contact with milk are cleaned with hot water and steam - if you prefer after every cup of coffee or call up separately using the menu.

Water filter
To make your coffee taste even better, use a Melitta® Pro Aqua water filter. Another advantage - your fully automatic coffee machine only needs to be descaled once a year**. Why? It‘s obvious - the filter prevents lime deposits in the water system for as long as possible. **Based on a 120 ml cup 6 cups a day and changing the filter 6 times according to the appliance specifications.

Automatic cleaning and descaling programme
The display automatically indicates when the machine needs to be cleaned or descaled. Step-by-step instructions guide you through the different steps of the programmes.

Contemporary energy efficiency
In addition to a programmable energy-saving mode, Melitta® fully automatic coffee machines have a practical Auto-OFF feature. This allows you to determine when your fully automatic coffee machine switches itself off automatically. Of course, you can also disconnect the appliance from the power supply manually using the 0-watt switch.

Mission eco & care
We have developed a label, which helps consumers choose an appliance that guarantees conscious enjoyment. The label uses a value system, which we have developed.

Quiet as a whisper grinder
You want to enjoy making your coffee in peace? This is no problem with the quiet as a whisper grinder, it is not only quiet but also especially quick.

Time auto-off: 30 Min. / Power off-mode: 0 W / Power stand-by/network: Please have a look at the manual, if you would like to switch off the BLE-function: 2.6 W / time auto-standby/network: 30 Min.
Preces krāsa var atšķirties no attēlā redzamās. Produkta apraksts ir vispārīgs, tajā ne vienmēr ir minētas visas produkta īpašības. Produktu cenas e-veikalā var atšķirties no cenām lielveikalos un servisa centros. Preču atlikums noliktavā un e-veikalā var atšķirties, tāpēc šādos gadījumos piegādes nosacījumi var atšķirties no tiem, kas norādīti pasūtījuma veikšanas brīdī un / vai nevarēsim izpildīt Tavu pasūtījumu vai tikai daļēji izpildīt (tādos gadījumos Pircējs tiek informēts nekavējoties).

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